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The Canadian Vaccination Risk Awareness Network website has published information that suggests that vaccines themselves are damaging to a child's developing immune system and brain, "leading to debilitating and life-threatening disorders like autism, ADHD, asthma, peanut allergies, juvenile diabetes or to SIDS and death itself. Since the 1970's when vaccinations among infants and young children were increased, autism has increased by 6000%.

While there is a building demand amongst pharmaceutical companies, lobbyists, certain universities (which are amply funded by pharmaceutical companies) and public health officialsfor vaccination, there simply aren't very good reasons for the panic and many, many reasons NOT to vaccinate. (See ThinkTwice.) For true protection, many Americans might consider their diets, their sleep and rest habits, their exercise levels, the toxins they regularly ingest that inhibit immune response and lower their vitality,not to mention the drugs they take that make them more susceptible to infection of all kinds. In fact, lately the evidence seems to be mounting in favor of a very simple, very inexpensive, and very effective prophylaxis: Vitamin D. (But that is yet another article.)

The fact that no one speaks about is that there's nothing to suggest that these vaccines and chemicals are in any way helping us. One study reported by Science Daily (10/2007) stated that the flu vaccine was not associated with reduced hospitalizations or even outpatient visits among young children. Furthermore, vaccine effectiveness couldn't be demonstrated for any season, age or setting. Were there some specific risk groups that were statistically safer for the vaccine? No.

True Protection: Legal Immunity

Last month the Associated Press reported that a legal immunity will be set for the makers of swine flu vaccines so that any profits which proceed from making the vaccine will be unencumbered from any future claims. Currently, those profits are nearing $2-billion prior to distribution and medical training, which will bring with it other costs and, naturally, other profits.

There seems to be little to say after that, except --permaneo exsisto vulnero. At least one group of us will be solidly protected and free from harm.

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Judith Acosta, LISW, CHT is a licensed psychotherapist and clinical homeopath in private practice in Placitas and Albuquerque. Her areas of specialization include the treatment of anxiety, depression, and trauma. She has appeared on both television (more...)
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