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#1 8/1/2012 The Inflammatory Theory of Depression (Lewis Mehl-Madrona) In this article, I describe a way of thinking about depression that makes sense of how we collapse from too much stress and from unremitting anxiety and misery. In this theory, eventually life overwhelms our capacity to resist inflammation and it runs away. From August 16th through the 19th, catch me in Hartford, Connecticut, to further discuss these ideas. For details, see Narrative Concepts (Lewis Mehl-Madrona) I attempt to say what a narrative is. It is a telling of something to someone by someone. It may reflect the basic means by which our brains work, the result of a co-evolution of brain and story to allow us to recall the myriad of details necessary for negotiating a social life with the 500 people whom we are capable of knowing. Its shortest form consists of two action clauses that can be sequenced and one orienting clause.
#3 4/13/2011 Dr. Amy Banks on Keeping Those Grey Cells Fit As We Age (Joan Brunwasser) The most important thing to be doing as we age is to keep stimulating those brain cells.Staying engaged in mental activities like reading and learning and communicating with others keeps the brain cells alive and strong.I think people need to be able to maintain community and connections, opportunities to interact.The physiology of healthy relationship contributes to building a brain that is continuing to grow.
#4 3/21/2011 Beyond Narrative Therapy: Day 11 of the Australian Journey (Lewis Mehl-Madrona) On Day 11, we engaged in dialogue about the narrative therapy of Michael White, which is what most people in Australia and the United States index, when we say narrative practices, and the narrative practices of indigenous people. While we deeply respect Michael White's contributions to psychology and humanity, we present him as one branch on a tree of narrative in which indigenous people live in the trunk and the roots.1 1 Comment Count
#5 7/8/2010 Trauma, Health and Neurofeedback (Vidya Bolz) summary of Dr. Robert Scaer's excellent video on his work on trauma and how it is stored in neural networks1 1 Comment Count
#6 6/19/2010 Developmental Neurodiversity Association (Raymond Andrews) One man's experiences as neurodivergent leading him to get involved in the Neurodiversity Movement by starting a nonprofit to help others like himself.

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