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For Tag "Balance"
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#1 4/20/2012 Make Way for the Energy of Spring!: 5 Tips For Energetic Spring Clearing (Elaine Seiler) Author and energetics expert Elaine Seiler shares 5 tips For energetic spring clearing.
#2 4/24/2011 Sweat Lodge, Prayer, and Community (Lewis Mehl-Madrona) Prayer and community have been stripped away from contemporary health care. Both are sorely needed. I talk about the sweat lodge ceremony as being a laboratory for exposing mainstream healthcare practitioners to the perspective on health and the world of Native American people and show how it produces the kind of connectedness and sense of belonging that we desperately need and which is associated with greater health.
#3 8/24/2010 What is Happiness? (Warren Davies) How would you define happiness? Is it an emotion? A state of mind? A decision? Is it a reaction to things that happen to us, like pain, or is it something we can create
#4 4/9/2010 Neurofeedback, Growth, and Habit (Lincoln Stoller) I describe a holistic approach to changing addictive behaviors based on neurofeedback with elements common to the therapies of indigenous cultures. The transformative journey does not have to be terrifying, though it will be disturbing, confusing, and probably dangerous. Perhaps, in the end, it's not even a choice.1 1 Comment Count
#5 2/3/2010 Alpha-Theta Neurotherapy As a Multi-Level Matrix of Intervention (Nancy White) Alpha-Theta Neurotherapy, has been found in clinical practice, as in the original work of Elmer and Alyce Green and further developed by Eugene Peniston and described in his original research, to reduce or eliminate alcoholic craving while simultaneously addressing mental, emotional, physical and, at times, spiritual dimensions of alcoholism and surrounding issues.
#6 2/3/2010 Part 2; Alpha-Theta Neurotherapy As a Multi-Level Matrix of Intervention (Nancy White) part 2 of Nancy White's chapter
#7 1/28/2010 Cross training Mind/Brain/Heart/Spirit and Shadow-- an interview with Terry Patten (Rob Kall) brief summary of and link to a podcast interview with Terry Patten talking about integral life practice, mind tools, neurofeedback and more.

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