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#1 10/10/2014 The 6 Hour Solution to Work stress (Helen Gibbons) Helen Gibbons, Chief Psychologist and pioneer of Autogenic Training in Australia,discusses the benefits of Autogenic Training in combating work stress, particularly in the Mining and other high risk industries. Developed by German Neuroscientist Dr Schultz, AT is backed by over 3,000 clinical studies worldwide and is used by NASA astronauts to help them adapt to the physical and psycholocial stressors of space travel.1 1 Comment Count
#2 3/4/2012 Day 11 of the Australian Journey 2012 (Lewis Mehl-Madrona) Today is Day 11 of the Australian cultural exchange adventure for 2012. We interacted with Mission Australia in Sydney and were deeply impressed with their services for young people and for homeless adults. They have managed to integrate shelter with education and skills training so that homeless people become able to transition into the work force. One person told us, "I came here a prostitute, and I left an artist."
#3 9/4/2011 When Consciousness Becomes The Basis Of Structure (Vijayaraghavan Padmanabhan) Since the structure-consciousness link can work the other way round, one can postulate that changes in consciousness can produce modifications in the gene structure.2 2 Comment Count
#4 12/19/2010 Hearing Voices and Seeing Visions: What to do? (Lewis Mehl-Madrona) Once upon a time, in most of the world's societies, hearing voices and seeing visions was honored and desired. In contemporary, modern culture it has become the one symptom that allows an immediate diagnosis of a psychotic disorder. In this essay, I write about the downside of pathologizing voices, while still acknowledging that many people suffer enormously from voices and negative visions. I describe how to be healing.1 1 Comment Count
#5 4/16/2010 What Drives an Acupuncturist?A good philosophy on Health and People! (Kathie Albertson) What drives an acupuncturist? How are patients educated on the effectivenss of health based, holistic care vs disease based care. Trusting Chinese Herbs.
#6 12/1/2009 Your Biofeedback Practitioner's Hero's Journey (Rob Kall) Joseph Campbell described a mythic pattern that any hero, any person going through a process of growth and increased personal awareness experiences. This model works very well for biofeedback practitioners, describing the stages, steps, experiences, problems, opportunities, challenges and rewards you can expect to encounter on your path to becoming a master of the world of biofeedback.
#7 10/14/2009 Why I Love Biofeedback (Gary Ames) There are plenty of reasons to love biofeedback and neurofeedback. Here are my favorite reasons.

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