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For Tag "Brain"
(Top > Health > Mind Body Spirit: Brain)

# Date Link
#1 11/3/2008 Brain & The Composition of Conscious Experience: Of Deep & Surface Structure (Karl Pribram)
#2 6/20/2008 Brain and Conscious Experience: Where are We? (Karl Pribram)
#3 6/6/2008 Brain and Physics, Part 1 (- Panel)
#4 6/10/2008 Brain and Physics, Part 2 (- Panel)
#5 9/26/2008 Brain Oxygenation (Hershel Toomim)
#6 11/13/2008 BrainPrime and the Aging Brain (Peter VanDeusen)
#7 11/3/2008 Clinical Tools for Evaluating Brain Function (Kathleen Power)
#8 6/6/2008 Confounds of Training Westerners in Meditation from an EEG Perspective (Richard Soutar)
#9 4/29/2009 Effects of Auditory Stimulation on Brain Function (Ron Minson)
#10 6/6/2008 Generating Wisdom and compassion: qEEG and LORETA Findings (John DeLuca)
#11 7/22/2008 How to Teach Breath Self-Regulation with an Understanding of HRV, RSA, C02, and the connection to Brain Training (Rosemary Macgregor)
#12 6/20/2008 Neocortical Dynamics:Brain Timing and State Management (Siegfried Othmer, Ph.D.)
#13 6/12/2008 The Alpha Self: Where am I in the Field of the Brain (Al Collins)
#14 11/3/2008 The Brain Ringing its own Bell: A model for Intellectual Functioning (Marvin Sams)
#15 9/26/2008 The Frontal Brain (- Panel)
#16 6/6/2008 The Unity of Human Life: Basis of the Mind and the Brain (Carl Shames)
#17 6/6/2008 Walking the Razor's Edge; The role of Neurofeedback on the Spiritual Journey (Jan B. Newman)
#18 6/6/2008 When the Observer is the Observed; The Meditative Process Relevance to Biofeedback (Mukul Vyas)

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