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For Tag "Inner Transformation"
(Top > Health > Mind Body Spirit: Inner Transformation)

# Date Link
#1 6/20/2008 Accelerated Spiritual Growth through the Advanced Biocybernaut Process (James Hardt) Futurehealth WinterBrain 2 hour presentation by James Hardt.1 1 Comment Count
#2 6/20/2008 Advanced Alpha Theta Course (Bill Scott) Futurehealth WinterBrain Workshop by Bill Scott discussing Alpha Theta training with substance abuse training and personal growth.
#3 7/22/2008 Awakening the Inner Revolution through the Synergy of Multimodal Feedback (Liana Matulich) Futurehealth WinterBrain Workshop by Liana Matulich
#4 9/12/2006 Entering the Mandala: Living the Sacred Circle sm (John DeLuca) Futurehealth Workshop by John DeLuca From early childhood, we construct a notion of ourselves and world. When our life experience is at odds with our view that arises from these fabrications, we suffer. In this experiential workshop, we explore the notion of the self as a mandala and more importantly, our immersion into the sacred space of the mandala environment in the spirit of Buddhist tantric practice. In this sense, the mandala is a metaphor for the deconstruction and reformation of the self and our notion of reality. Create a better life. Change your expectations and change your world. Re-vision yourself and live the light!
#5 6/20/2008 Feminine Spirituality and the Root of Balance (Barbara Soutar) Futurehealth WinterBrain 2 hour workshop presentation by Barbara Souter

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