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For Tag "Light"
(Top > Health > Mind Body Spirit > Techniques: Light)

# Date Link
#1 9/26/2008 Audio visual Entertainment for Improving Mental Function & Cognition in Seniors (Thomas Budzynski) Futurehealth WinterBrain Workshop by David Siever and Tom Budzynski
#2 9/26/2008 Audio-visual Entrainment-How it works Studies and Clinical Applications (Dave Siever) Futurehealth WinterBrain Workshop by David Siever
#3 6/12/2008 Breath Walk & Light/Sound Sessions: Tools for A/T Training (Uwe Gerlach) Futurehealth Workshop by Uwe Gerlach
#4 9/26/2008 Combined EEG feedback/light sound Training for children/adults with ADD/ADHD symptoms (Uwe Gerlach) Futurehealth WinterBrain 2 hour workshop by Uwe Gerlach.
#5 1/5/2007 Introductory Presentation (Kirby Seid) Futurehealth Plenary Talk by Kirby Seid. Join us for an exciting discussion introducing The Light Labyrinth Project, an exploration into three vectors of consciousness: the mineral kingdom through ancient quartz crystals, the consciousness of light and color and the expansion of human consciousness through shamanic journeying. We will discuss how crystals, minerals, hypnotic flickering light and sound have been used throughout history to access shamanic healing.

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