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Rob Kall: Review: Open Focus Brain-- a landmark book that explores how we pay attention and how to do it better an important, groundbreaking book that promises to become a classic over the decades. More than any other book, it reminds me of Herbert Benson's RELAXATION RESPONSE. Just as Benson took a simple concept-- relaxation-- and created a landmark book on how to do it... simply, Les Fehmi, with co-author Jim Robbins, has laid out an approach to attention that is remarkable in its simplicity and power to change lives.
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Maggie Lee Huckabee: Oral Pharyngeal Dysphagia; Application of EMG Biofeedback in the Treatment of Oral Pharyngeal Dysphagia EMG biofeedback presents auditory and visual signals to aid the patient in learning and practicing dysphagia intervention exercise. Biofeedback provides several critical elements that are unavailable with standard dysphagia therapy.
Gary Ames: *Why I Love Biofeedback There are plenty of reasons to love biofeedback and neurofeedback. Here are my favorite reasons.

Celeste DeBease, PhD: "Cold Hands, Warm Heart" Raynaud's Disease "Cold Hands, Warm Heart" - Raynaud's Disease

Rob Kall: Smile Anatomy: Emotional Self Regulation and Facial Expression Muscle Measurement and Training an overview of the use of smile muscle training, smile biofeedback and a discussion of a number of the facial muscles involved in authentic and inauthentic smiling, plus discussion of smile psychomotor retardation-- people who have a hard time smiling and feeling good feelings 2 2 Comment Count

Rob Kall: Living in The Vein of Gold and Falling out. We all have veins of gold-- fantastic riches-- in our lives, every one of us. "Although men are accused of not knowing their own weakness, yet perhaps a few know their own strength. It is in men as in soils, where sometimes there is a vein of gold which the owner knows not of." Jonathan Swift
Press Release: 'Top 10 Spa Trends to Watch in 2009' biofeedback, neurofeedback, relaxation, brain gyms, neurobics, mind gyms, brain workouts are all hot.
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Erik Peper: From Technostress to Technohealth work stress, caused by long hours, sitting at computer stations, causes pain and worst-- technostress-- even with ergonomic interventions. This program added coaching and self regulation biofeedback training to produce enhanced health-- technohealth.

Youtube .: Video: Coping With Stress - Biofeedback Self-Mastery Beyond Pills

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