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Temple Grandin, From Images
Joan Brunwasser: Part Three: Talking with Dr. Temple Grandin, Author of "Animals in Translation" I couldn't figure out why I didn't fit in. It's very important to get these young Asperger nerdy kids into these specialized activities where they're going to have peers who are also interested in computers or playing music or playing chess or building robots or anything. If I hadn't had my science teacher when I was in high school, I would have been in a real mess.
Joan Brunwasser: Part Two, Talking with Dr. Temple Grandin, Author of "Animals in Translation" When I first started out in my career,I thought I could fix everything in the industry with engineering and designing a facility. I've now learned that I can only fix about half of things. Because the other half is management. I've been a big advocate of getting out and measuring handling. Then I can look at the numerical scores and ask, “Am I getting better or am I getting worse?”
Joan Brunwasser: Talking with Dr. Temple Grandin, Author of "Animals in Translation" People may wonder why it's so important to be humane when,in the end,the animals are still dead and we eat them.Well,it causes pain if you're not nice to them.You wouldn't say to this person “It only takes a second to yank out a tooth so we're not going to use any anesthetics.”It's really important to prevent suffering and animals are definitely capable of feeling pain and fear. There's absolutely no question about it.

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