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For Tag "Biofeedback-Neurofeedback"
(Top > Health > Mind Body Spirit > Bio Neuro feedback: Biofeedback-Neurofeedback)

# Date Link
#1 11/13/2008 Medical Considerations for Neurofeedback Providers, a live workshop (Ed Castro) Futurehealth Conference Workshop by Dr. Ed Castro
#2 5/13/2008 Myoscan EMG Sensor (FutureHealth Products) Thought Technology Ltd.. A pre-amplified surface electromyography sensor used with the ProComp Infiniti channels A – B for RAW sEMG. Compatible with Triode electrodes or extender cables for wider placement of electrodes. Range of 0 – 2000 µV.
#3 6/6/2008 Paradoxes in Neurofeedback and Biofeedback (Siegfried Othmer, Ph.D.) Othmer, Sig and Victoria Ibric. Futurehealth Plenary
#4 6/20/2008 Peripheral Biofeedback Technique (Dr. Stephen Sideroff, PhD) Futurehealth WinterBrain 2 hour presentation by Stephen Sideroff.
#5 5/13/2008 Physiology Suite (FutureHealth Products) Thought Technology Ltd.. New Specialized Application Suites

Thought Technology is proud to launch two new specialized application suites for BioGraph Infiniti. The EEG Suite and the Physiology Suite take full advantage of the latest functions and features of our powerful multimedia biofeedback software, like DVD movie control, and provide complete control over your entire clinical process, from assessment, to training, to reporting and demonstrating outcome. Both Suites will run with the ProComp Infiniti, ProComp +, ProComp 5 and ProComp 2 encoders and many of the screens and scripts come in versions for one and for two monitor configurations.

A full range of clinical tools
Each suite includes all the display screens you need for:

Verifying signal quality and adjusting sensor placement
Monitoring and assessing physiological functions
Recording biofeedback training sessions
Reviewing recorded data for the purpose of artifact rejection
Generating session reports and demonst
rating the learning curves
#6 9/26/2008 Preventing and Healing Heart Disease with Biofeedback and Related Modalities (Naras Bhat) Futurehealth WinterBrain 2 hour workshop by Nara Bhat.
#7 5/13/2008 ProComp Infiniti Hardware (FutureHealth Products) Thought Technology Ltd.. ProComp Infiniti Hardware System only. Only sold to allow for linking up to 4 encoders to allow for up to 32 channels.
#8 5/13/2008 ProComp Infiniti system with Cardiopro Software (FutureHealth Products) Thought Technology Ltd.. Cardiopro is a specialized physiological monitoring and biofeedback application for the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. It can perform real-time feedback on respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) and heart rate variability (HRV) from an electrocardiography (EKG) or blood volume pulse (BVP) sensor. The system can also monitor other key physiological functions, such as respiration, temperature and skin conductance, for the most complete view on your client's physiology. With a simple graphic user interface and comprehensive reporting features, CardioPro lets you easily flow through the steps of recording, reviewing, and analyzing data. CardioPro is powerful enough for research applications, yet remains flexible for clinical work.
#9 5/13/2008 ProComp plus to ProComp Infiniti Upgrade (FutureHealth Products) Thought Technology Ltd. Trade in your existing ProComp plus/BioGraph system and upgrade to a ProComp Infiniti/BioGraph Infiniti System
#10 11/3/2008 Relationship as Biofeedback: New Ways of defining partnership combining the basic principals (Stephen Larsen) Larsen, Steve & Robin. Futurehealth Workshop
#11 4/28/2010 The Ripple Effect (Mary Jo Sabo) Futurehealth WinterBrain 2 hour workshop presentation by Mary Jo Sabo and Linda Vergara. An in depth discussion of Brainwave biofeedback training in a public school.
#12 6/13/2007 Working with Dreams as Powerful Biofeedback for Life (Craig Webb) Webb, Craig. Futurehealth Workshop
#13 9/26/2008 Working with Octogenarians (Joel Lubar) Lubar, Judith. Futurehealth Plenary by Judith Lubar

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